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Summer Blast 2023

Date: 29th – 30th July: Of course, a CHT residential couldn’t happen without our medical team. This year we were joined by Dr Scott and Dr Claire McGinn, as well as nurses Sarah, Rebecca and Lynda.

It was a very early morning for our young people as things kicked off in Greenhill at 9:30am…yes you did read that right 9:30 in the morning. The weekend began with a workshop with Joe from TAMHI (Tackling Awareness of Mental Health Issues) where the young people learned about their mental health through fun and practical activities and games.

This was followed by conquering the Greenhill challenge where the young people in teams competed against each other in a series of tasks to gain points for not only succeeding but also for showing good communication and teamwork skills. It is fair to say this is where we started to see the competitiveness amongst the group.

Before lunch we had another workshop with Joe exploring the impacts bullying amongst other things can have on one’s mental health through interactive games. Of course, with our Northern Irish weather the rain decided to join us, but we didn’t let that dampen our spirits as we tucked into hot dogs and chips for lunch.

Once lunch was over and bellies were filled, the group were suited and booted in waterproofs which was very fitting for the weather for an afternoon canoeing on Castlewellan lake. Lots of fun was had that afternoon as we began to see the wonderful personalities of our young people starting to shine and I think our nurses and doctors enjoyed themselves a bit too much. On the bus back to Greenhill the big debate began over who deserved the first shower!!

After the showers were had and young people warmed up with some yummy dinner it was time to toast marshmallows on the fire. Some marshmallows were definitely more toasted than others. The group then chilled out for the evening with a movie and some snacks.

As bedtime rolled around quickly there were some very tired eyes but also some very boisterous eyes who enjoyed staying awake most of the night but sure that’s all part of the fun and games.

8am breakfast on Sunday morning was invaded by zombies who looked like they hadn’t slept in a week!  The weekend finished off with a final activity and workshop before parents arrived for pick up and most reported that their young people did nothing but sleep all of Sunday afternoon.

A great weekend was had by all and we’d like to thank all our young people for being their amazing selves and also our medical team who we couldn’t have done it without.

Rumour has it that Summer Blast 2024 is going to be a two-night residential!!!

