
Our local family support groups are a lovely introduction to the charity and other local heart families. These groups are open to the whole family and are best described as mini family fun days!

Families tell us they can sometimes feel isolated once they have received their child’s diagnosis and although you might feel like you are going through this alone, we promise you aren’t – even though it may feel that way sometimes.

“I soon came to realise that I wasn’t alone and infact I was so lucky to have such great support from our local family support group.” – Heart Parent

Each local group will have one or two voluntary group organisers that have a child with heart disease. Our group organisers arrange group meet ups 4/5 times per year bursting with family activities, tasty treats and plenty of lovely, local heart families to get to know.  With groups throughout Northern Ireland you won’t have far to go to find your closest heart family group…


With groups throughout Northern Ireland you won’t have far to go to find your closest heart family group…